Saturday, January 10, 2015

RJ11 Phone to RJ45 Jack

RJ11 Phone to RJ45 Jack - The Redmi 4A is ageing, and yet it remains a very good budget phone and a decent all-rounder under £100. Though it lacks more modern aspects such as a fingerprint scanner, metal build and 18:9 display, it's almost impossible to argue at this price. The 4A has since been succeeded by the 5A, but there's really no difference in core specification, making this an even better deal if you can find it at a rock-bottom price. The Global model is recommended, provided you're happy to get along with MIUI 8.5. of other areas where phones, well we have collected a lot of data from the field directly and from many other blogs so very complete his discussion here about RJ11 Phone to RJ45 Jack, on this blog we also have to provide the latest automotive information from all the brands associated with the automobile. ok please continue reading:

Kalman Filter (KF) 

Linear dynamical system (Linear RJ11 Phone to RJ45 Jack evolution functions)

Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) 

Non-linear dynamical system (Non-linear evolution functions)

Consider the following non-linear system:

Assume that we can somehow determine a reference trajectory 


For the measurement equation, we have:

We can then apply the standard Kalman filter to the linearized model
How to choose the reference trajectory?
Idea of the extended Kalman filter is to re-linearize the model around the most recent state estimate, i.e.

The Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) has become a standard    technique used in a number of 
# nonlinear estimation and 
# machine learning applications
#State estimation
#estimating the state of a nonlinear dynamic system
#Parameter estimation
#estimating parameters for nonlinear system identification
#e.g., learning the weights of a neural network
#dual estimation 
#both states and parameters are estimated simultaneously
#e.g., the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm

function [x_next,P_next,x_dgr,P_dgr] = ekf(f,Q,h,y,R,del_f,del_h,x_hat,P_hat);
% Extended Kalman filter
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% State space model is
% X_k+1 = f_k(X_k) + V_k+1   -->  state update
% Y_k = h_k(X_k) + W_k       -->  measurement
% V_k+1 zero mean uncorrelated gaussian, cov(V_k) = Q_k
% W_k zero mean uncorrelated gaussian, cov(W_k) = R_k
% V_k & W_j are uncorrelated for every k,j
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Inputs:
% f = f_k
% Q = Q_k+1
% h = h_k
% y = y_k
% R = R_k
% del_f = gradient of f_k
% del_h = gradient of h_k
% x_hat = current state prediction
% P_hat = current error covariance (predicted)
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------
% Outputs:
% x_next = next state prediction
% P_next = next error covariance (predicted)
% x_dgr = current state estimate
% P_dgr = current estimated error covariance
% -------------------------------------------------------------------------

if isa(f,'function_handle') & isa(h,'function_handle') & isa(del_f,'function_handle') & isa(del_h,'function_handle')
    y_hat = h(x_hat);
    y_tilde = y - y_hat;
    t = del_h(x_hat);
    tmp = P_hat*t;
    M = inv(t'*tmp+R+eps);
    K = tmp*M;
    p = del_f(x_hat);
    x_dgr = x_hat + K* y_tilde;
    x_next = f(x_dgr);
    P_dgr = P_hat - tmp*K';
    P_next = p* P_dgr* p' + Q;
    error('f, h, del_f, and del_h should be function handles')


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